Saturday 19 July 2014

Final version of my film

This is my final version of my film. I used 5 days for shooting and 14 days for post-production. And I also did some tests before making this film, comparing to these tests, the final version is much better than that. Because during the test I just rehearse the action of actors without paying any attention to the lights, sounds and any other things.

From this film, I have learned a lot. Things like arranging the time for both shooting and editing, the timetables of the actors are different so that it's difficult to finish this film quickly. So I have to start editing first, I can finished some parts of the film not until finishing the shooting. It saves a lot of time. Another thing is I found that the exact shooting list or storyboard is so important, because it can be an instruction of shooting and also saving a lot of time.

This is the link of my film. There are some problems happened with Youtube, so that I'm not able to drag the video into the journal.

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