Monday, 23 June 2014

New version of script

I have amended some language and it maybe much native. And I added a new flashforward into the script, and left a suspense in the end. But what the flashforward displayed is different to the reality in the end.
          A man is entering Boots Library with a laptop. His name is       
          Jack, 23.                                                        
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    I’m a postgraduate student.                            
                    Everyday I get up early and study                      
                    in library from dawn to dusk.                          
          Jack is looking for books on the bookshelf, he takes two         
          books from the shelf.                                            
          Jack is watching a film on a table with a monitor. He is         
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    My major is Film Practice. So I                        
                    watch films every day. I also read                     
                    a lot of books. I’m a hard-working                     
          A young woman comes to the table and sits beside Jack. But       
          Jack moves a bit farther away from the lady. Her name is         
          Shelly, Jack’s classmate, 23.                                    
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    This is my classmate Shelly. She                       
                    comes to my table and sits here                        
                    whenever I’m studying at the                           
                    library. She is after me, but I’m                      
                    not interested in her. We are just                     
   3      WAVERLEY 106A - DAY (VOICEOVER INTRODUCTION)               3     
          Jack is talking something on the screen. A man with white        
          hair is sitting at the long table. He is Roger, Jack’s           
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    This is my tutor Roger. He has very                    
                    high expectations and find it hard                     
                    to explain my views and thoughts to                    
          Jack is lying on the grass in the sun with a girl. Her name      
          is Gloria, 24. They are talking closely.                         
          Jack picks up a glass and drinks from it.                        
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    I have a girlfriend, her name is                       
                    Gloria. We are very much in love,                      
                    and I can’t bare to be apart from                      
          Jack and Gloria are drinking coffee on the table. The table      
          is in the corner of the cafe.                                    
          Jack has his right arm around Gloria.                            
          Jack kisses Gloria’s head.                                       
                                                         FADE TO BLACK     
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    But now, a phone call has changed                      
   6      LITMUS BUILDING - EVENING                                  6     
          Jack is preparing for his presentation on his computer. A        
          few seconds later, his phone rings. He answers.                  
                    Hi sweetheart...what? What do you                      
                    mean you have to go back to China                      
                    to get married? You haven’t said                       
                    anything to me about being engaged!                    
                    You have led me on and played with                     
                    my feelings all this time!!!                           
          Jack hangs up and throws his phone to the table angrily. He      
          stands up suddenly for a few seconds, then he sits down          
          again then puts his head on the table for a while, then he       
          begins to cry. After he gets up, he wipes his tears. Then he     
          looks round the table, and grabs a bottle of alcohol to          
          drink. After an hour, he finishes drinking the whole bottle      
          of wine. He gets drunk. He throws himself on the sofa and        
          sleeps until the next morning, 8:50am.                           
                                                         FADE TO BLACK     
   7      LITMUS BUILDING - MORNING                                  7     
          Jack opens his eyes slowly and moves his body gingerly. He       
          sees the clock on the wall, it’s 8:50am. It’s 10 minutes to      
          his presentation today. He gets up quickly and goes to the       
          table, then closes the laptop and dashes out the door.           
   8      BROADWAY LOUNGE - DAY                                      8     
          Jack arrives at the room in a hurry and he is nearly out of      
                    Sorry about being late.                                
          The tutor is glaring at him angrily without saying a word.       
          The tutor’s name is Roger.                                       
          The second marker is shaking her head and she is also            
          without words. Her name is Ella.                                 
          Jack connects his laptop to the projector in a hurry. And        
          then he opens his presentation files.                            
                    Hello everyone. Welcome to my                          
                    presentation. I’m Jack.                                
          Jack clicks the mouse and turns to the next slide. The           
          screen shows "How to use flashback to display a character’s      
          mental activities?"                                              
                                                          DIP TO WHITE     
   9      LITMUS BUILDING - EVENING (FLASHBACK)                      9     
          Jack is on the phone                                             
                    You haven’t said anything to me                        
                    about being engaged! You have led                      
                    me on and played with my feelings                      
                    all this time!!!                                       
          Jack hangs up and throws his phone to the table angrily.         
                                                          DIP TO BLACK     
          Then he looks round the table, and grabs a bottle of alcohol     
          to drink.                                                        
                                                          DIP TO WHITE     
   10     BROADWAY LOUNGE - DAY                                     10     
          Jack is standing on the platform. Jack shouts loudly.            
                    Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you                    
                    lead me on?!                                           
          Roger bangs on the table angrily.                                
                    Stop! What?! What are you talking                      
                    about?! I won’t tolerate this kind                     
                    of behaviour. You’d better leave                       
                    right now! Go!                                         
                    Who is the next one? Go ahead.                         
          Jack is about to say something, but he stops. He takes the       
          laptop and quickly goes away.                                    
   11     LITMUS BUILDING - DAY                                     11     
          Jack throws his bag on the sofa, then he sits at the table.      
          Jack begins to phone his girlfriend Gloria.                      
                    This person’s phone is switched                        
                    off. Please try later or send a                        
                    text message.                                          
          Jack hangs up the phone. He sits for a while. Suddenly he        
          takes his wallet out of his pocket. Then he finds a train        
          ticket. He puts the ticket back into the wallet and walks        
          away quickly.                                                    
   12     KEELE UNIVERSITY HORWOOD H - DAY                          12     
          Jack arrives at the door and knocks.                             
                    Gloria, it’s me. Are you there? I                      
                    need to talk to you!!                                  
          No one replies. Jack goes on knocking on the door stronger.      
                    Gloria? Are you in? Gloria...                          
          Jack stops knocking on the door, he steps back into the          
          middle of the road and stops. He blinks slowly.                  
          Jack is lying on the grass in the sun with a girl. Her name      
          is Gloria, 24. They are talking closely. Jack takes a glass      
          of drink then drinks it.                                         
   14     KEELE UNIVERSITY HORWOOD H - DAY                          14     
          Someone half opens the door.                                     
          Gloria turns her head and smiling at Jack.                       
   16     KEELE UNIVERSITY HORWOOD H - DAY                          16     
          A young guy opens a door and looks around.                       
                              HOUSE HOLDER                                 
                    Whose that?                                            
                    I’m Jack. Who are you? Where is                        
                    Gloria? She must be here.                              
                              HOUSE HOLDER                                 
                    She left two days ago. I heard that                    
                    she was going back to China to                         
                    prepare for her wedding. I don’t                       
                    know the details. I just pay my                        
                    share of the rent. I just moved in                     
                    this morning.                                          
                    Did she say anything to you before                     
                              HOUSE HOLDER                                 
                    No. Nothing. I’m sorry I can’t                         
          Jack is pointing at the guy’s head strongly.                     
                    You are cheating me mate!                              
          The young guy hits Jack on face. And Jack falls down. Then       
          the young guy closes the door strongly.                          
                                                          DIP TO WHITE     
          Jack and Gloria are facing each other, and they are getting      
          closer and closer. Jack is kissing Gloria lovely. Both of        
          them are in the graduation suits.                                
                                                          DIP TO WHITE     
   18     KEELE UNIVERSITY HORWOOD H - DAY                          18     
          Jack gets up and stands for a long time. Then he leaves          
                                                          DIP TO BLACK     
          Title: A few days later...                                       
   19     LITMUS BUILDING - EVENING                                 19     
          Jack is sitting at the table.                                    
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    I’m trying to stop thinking about                      
                    her. It’s hard. Because I miss her                     
                    and hurt by what she has done. But                     
                    life goes on. I can’t afford to                        
                    fail this course.                                      
          Jack is putting some cash into the envelope.                     
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    Maybe I could bribe to Roger.                          
   20     WAVERLEY 106A (FLASHFORWARD)                              20     
          Roger is sitting behind the computer.                            
          Jack gets into the room, and he gives an envelope to Roger.      
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    If I give Roger the envelope he’ll                     
                    just tell me to get out.                               
                    Why are you giving this? I’m not                       
                    happy with this tutorial. Get out                      
                    of here.                                               
          Jack leaves the room.                                            
          [U+7EE7][U+7EED]:                                       7.       
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    If I hand it to Roger, or maybe                        
                    he’ll take the money and fail me                       
                    Thanks for this. But academic                          
                    things are serious. I’m sorry I                        
                    can’t change your grade.                               
          Jack leaves the room.                                            
   21     LITMUS BUILDING - EVENING                                 21     
          Jack is talking to himself.                                      
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    Anyway, There is only one person                       
                    who can help me, that is me!                           
   22     BOOTS LIBRARY INSIDE - DAY (FLASHFORWARD)                 22     
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    I can carry on going to the library                    
          Jack is reading something at the table.                          
          Shelly comes and sits next to Jack.                              
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    Oh, Shelly can help me with it.                        
   23     LITMUS BUILDING - EVENING                                 23     
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    Go ahead. Do it.                                       
          Jack is writing a schedule on a blank piece of paper.            
          Jack’s mobile phone rings. It’s a text message from Shelly.      
          It displays "I’m guessing that something happened to you.        
          And I feel sad that you have failed. But don’t worry, I will     
          do my best to help you if you like. I can meet you in the        
          library whenever you are free. I’m a good listener! I hope       
          you can get back on track soon."                                 
          Jack is smiling.                                                 
                                                          DIP TO BLACK     
          Title: Half a month later...                                     
   24     BOOTS LIBRARY INSIDE - DAY                                24     
          Jack and Shelly are studying together. Shelly strokes Jack’s     
          head out of the blue. And Jack responds with a cheeky smile.     
   25     BOOTS LIBRARY ENTRANCE - EVENING                          25     
          Jack and Shelly are walking out of the library.                  
                                                          DIP TO BLACK     
          Title: A month later...                                          
   26     NEWTON BUILDING - DAY                                     26     
          Jack is using a camera with a tripod. Shelly is his actress.     
          Jack is talking to Shelly.                                       
                                                          DIP TO BLACK     
          Title: Three months later...                                     
   27     KEELE UNIVERSITY BESIDE THE LAKE - DAY                    27     
          Jack is taking photos for his graduation with Shelly. Some       
          of their friends are taking photos together.                     
          Shelly picks a flower and hands it to Jack. Jack receives        
          it, but suddenly, he stops and watches from Shelly. Jack         
          sees that Gloria is kissing a Chinese guy on the grass as        
          well. And Gloria is also in graduation suit. Jack remains        
          stunned and watching.                                            
                              VOICEOVER - JACK                             
                    It’s so strange. I have seen it                        
                    somewhere. But I can’t remember.                       
                    What I can only remember is the man                    
                    should be me.                                          

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