Sunday, 1 December 2013

short film idea

Fire, calling, running, rescuing, frightening

A few days ago, a fire hazard was broken out of the kitchen in the first floor of a house. At that time, just a young lady on the second floor of the house. She felt strange that there was some dark smoke went upstairs, so she tried to go downstairs to have a look, but when she looked downstairs, she found that the fire was burning the only way she can go downstairs and leave the house then she shouted. She wanted to run through the fire but she didn’t dare to. So she opened the window and called loudly to her neighbors but no one replied. She felt helpless that she rang the fire rescuing number but the telephone didn’t work. Then she wanted to jump down but it is too high that she couldn’t jump otherwise she will die. The fire was creeping up and she felt frightening. 

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